EmoPulse Smile: Best smartwatch you can wear like a bracelet


The EmoPulse Smile is the world’s first smartphone you can wear like a bracelet! Not only that, but it can also read your mood. It will know if you’re stressed out or relaxing.

Emopulse Smile, Smile Smartwatch

It can monitor your diet and your health. It will inform you when you should get up and move or take a rest. It can suggest where you should spend a night out on the town. It can control how awake you are as well as your sleep stages and your dream time. And if you’re in trouble, the Smile will call for help.

The Smile Smartwatch will automatically switch its display from a daylight optimized type to a night time optimized one. While you’re sleeping it won’t let pesky telemarketers interrupt your sleep. It will hold incoming calls, route them to voice mail or inform the caller to call back later.

And unlike other smartphones, the smile doesn’t need you to tell it how to reply to text messages. Your Facebook friends won’t have any excuses for calling you while you sleep, because The Smile will set your status to ‘sleeping’ when you go to bed.

Features of Emopulse Smile Smartwatch

  • 4G: 4G communication networks have comparable data transfer rates to Wi-Fi connections. That’s how you can download video files on the go much faster than ever before, without interfering with voice communication.
  • Processor OMAP 5: This processor is the fastest one for the mobile devices and laptops currently available. Despite its speed, it’s power consumption is surprisingly low. On a full charge your bracelet will operate for up to 7 days. The built in graphical processing of the OMAP 5 will allow for simultaneous display of HD video on 3 screens, or displaying on one 3D screen.
  • 128/256 GB flash: Now you may easily carry your whole music collection and electronic library in high quality formats. Even better, the high-speed Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 interfaces allows for fast and easy data transfer. Your data is secured by a voice recognition system. As soon as the bracelet is taken off the user’s arm, data access is blocked and may only be unlocked by the user’s voice.
  • USB 3.0: 4,8 Gb/s – A USB socket will always be available.
  • NFC: The device will be able to store all the electronic keys that you use. Your banking, club and discount cards as well as wireless tickets for public transport and many other EDC items will also be storable on your phone.

How does EmoPulse Smile smartwatch work?

The Smile bracelet functions may seem unreal. They are based on leading-edge AI algorithms-based operating system.

The system uses data gathered by emo-sensors to enhance the self-learning process. |Because of this, The Smile can learn 7-8 times faster than any other system.

Just after you’ve watched two or three movies, the Smile will likely be able to determine other films that you would like. The Smile can also preform this task with other media, not just films. The Smile will quickly adjust to its user’s tastes as well as changes in their tastes. Over time the bracelet will become an indispensable assistant.


You can use your Smile as an independent cell phone as well as answer calls from your smart phone via the Smile. It’s quite easy to answer a call this way, just reply “Yes” or use any other affirmative word. You do not have to memorize command words, since the Smile understands your natural language. Or you can just press a button, as usual.

Sending a text, email messages or video, listen to or read the messages on Facebook, blogs or Twitter Tweets. All these things are quite simple to do.

A universal key and wallet

As a nice add-on feature, the Smile’s memory can store all of your personal key information including permanent keys for your house, garage, office and car and temporary ones for your hotel or season tickets. The Smile’s memory will also hold a large amount of discount card information. We also hope that soon the Smile will be able to receive, copy, and store e-ticket information as well.

Paying for the purchases has never been so convenient! B With the wireless NFC payment system which is built-in into the Smile just wave your hand above the sensor of a wireless payment system at the check-out and you’re done! (You choose a bank card or e-account number before) Now The Smile, which is always with you, is your handiest tool for paying for your purchases.

This wallet is not easily lost. But if you do happen to lose it, don’t worry. Payment functions and your personal data are both encrypted and blocked as soon as you take your Smile off of your wrist. Restarting the bracelet and all its services is possible only by using voice activation, similar to those used in banks and access control systems.

High-quality sound playback without wires

Sound transmitted via Bluetooth from ordinary phones often gets distorted. It becomes very dry, and most audiophiles have given up on wireless technology for now because of this dryness. The proprietary PurePath technology provides a solid wireless audio link and 16 bit / 44.1/48 KHz uncompressed CD-quality wireless audio with no unwanted noise or dropouts. Now even audiophiles can enjoy the convenience of wireless headphones.

Camera one. Camera two. Camera three.

Camera one means that Skype and visual communication are available for you everywhere. Your would see you even while you are driving. The camera will adjust to your face position as well as track it.

Camera two means that the 12-megapixel matrix would be oriented forward while you are looking at The Smile and allow you to take high-quality pictures as well as record 1080HD video. The 128 Gigabytes of built-in flash memory is more than enough! And you’ll be able to publish your pictures on Facebook and instantly transmit them to any other with a Smile Bracelet.

Camera three is our latest achievement. It functions as a pointer. Just point at a bar-code, Qr-code, an address or a hyperlink, and the bracelet will immediately display the Qr-code decryption, a path to the address or go to the page using the link. Students can also use the bracelet as a handy text scanner. Just pass your finger under the text fragment that you need to scan, and the camera will capture and recognize it. Text scanning is possible from both left-to-the-right and right-to-the left and different languages can be recognized as well. . You can also use the Smile as an object scanner. For example, you can use it in a grocery store to get complete information about something on the shelves, including an ingredient list, You could even find out what you can prepare from different items and pick out a recipe that you like the most.

Super brain

Unlike similar systems, this is not a separate program, but a continuously operating piece of hardware, ready to support its owner at any time.

The first speech recognition programs could not talk back to you, and follow on digital assistants lacked personality above programmed responses. The Smile bracelet has a personality, to match its stunning design. After a while you’ll feel like you’re talking to a person. And unlike other digital assistants, yours will always be ready and waiting to help inside your Smile Bracelet.

Advice, searches, commands, reminders, notes and even comparisons can all be preformed by your Smile bracelet. Even Children like the Smile!

Video games

The OMAP 5 processor allows for desktop quality gaming on your wrist. And the emotional sensors and high-speed interface will completely change the way you think about portable computer entertainment.

Add-on applications and services

There are a huge amount of the applications functioning within AI based operating systems and emotional monitoring. Functions that you couldn’t imagine before, are now available in a watch-sized case on your wrist.
