How to Find Local Movie Show Time With Google


Want to find local movie show times with Google search in one easy step? This Google search trick lets you do just that. We can find movie show times, trailers, reviews, and driving directions for all movies playing in the theaters near us, all from Google.

Find Local Movie ShowTimes, Find Local Movie With Google

Search for a movie that you want to see right in the familiar Google search box. The just type the syntax in Google search box movie: followed by the movie name and your city name and state or zip code. Capitalization doesn’t matter but do put spaces in between the worlds. For instance, you could find local listings of Men in Black 3 in New York by searching for:

movie: Men in Black 3 New York, NY

Note: You must spell the movie exactly the way it appears, although you can leave off words Google usually ignores, such as ‘a’, ‘in’ or ‘the’. The same search would work as:

movie: Men Black 3 New York, NY

and it would work even better as:

movie: New York, NY or movie: NY

You will notice that you are shown actual show times and ratings for that movie right at the top. That was easy.

Do you know more about this Google Search technique? Tell us about it in the comments.
